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News & Events

A Healthy Billion Halloween 5k

Saturday, October 26th


Join for a 5k run/walk on Saturday, October 26th.  Participate from any location or check out our local meetup groups.  Please note, if you are a health billion participant on Vidapost or contribute to our Indiegogo Campaign (minimum of $10), you may register for FREE!



It's a Startup Ironman

3 companies, 1 common goal:  To improve everyday health & wellness


Are you interested in joining an even bigger community?  Check out our campaign on Indiegogo and help show your support of 3 great companies, including BuddiesInACTION, that are working together to make healthy the billions.  Your contribution will help kick-off our BuddiesInACTION scholarship fund enabling adults with disabilities greater access to health & wellness programs in their area.



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